
For years ELOE Studio has created pro bono infographics and dataviz to serve Sardinian communities sharing data and knowledge.
That approach has represented and still represents a big deal for us, and that’s why we have chosen to maintain an archive, ensuring that these valuable resources remain accessible to all.

Dalla Balcanizzazione alla Ricomposizione

15 July 2013 | .pdf

Words: Frantziscu Sanna, Illustrations: Andrea Meloni

L’Alba Dei Giudicati

23 September 2013 | .pdf

Words: Giuseppe Ruju, Illustrations: Andrea Meloni

Un Secolo di Sardegna: il ‘900

28 November 2013 | .pdf

Infographics: Andrea Meloni

Sa Vida Pro Cale Pàtria?

15 July 2014 | .pdf

Words: Bainzu Piliu, Illustrations: Franciscu Pala

La Russia in Sardegna grazie alla SARAS

27 February 2013

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

Good bye Union Jack. Quale sarà la nuova bandiera del Regno Unito?

03 March 2013

Infographics: Andrea Meloni

Scozia e Catalogna. I prossimi due Stati in Europa?

24 February 2014 | .pdf

Words: Meritxell Ramírez Ollé, Illustrations: Manuelle Mureddu

Come il cervello trae beneficio dall’essere bilingui?

10 May 2014

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

I Want To Ride My Bycicle

17 March 2014

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

Nera di Malasorte che Ammazza e Passa Oltre

18 March 2014 | .pdf

Words: Franco Uda, Illustrations: SHOUT

Florinas, Silicon Valley

15 July 2013 | .pdf

Reportage: Laura Francesconi

Sardinia and Europe. I corridoi interni

24 March 2014

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

Nuovi Strumenti per Vecchi Saperi

22 April 2014 | .pdf

Words: Giovanni Pala, Illustrations: Giancarlo Sechi

Let’s clean up Europe

19 May 2014 | .pdf

Reportage: ELOE Newsroom

Cultura = Economia

30 April 2014

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

Sardinia and Europe. La comunità meno rappresentata

31 March 2014

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

Dispersione Scolastica in Sardegna

15 September 2014

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

I Mondiali in Brasile tra Proteste, Vaghezza e Pessimismo

12 June 2014

Words: Paolo Demuru, Illustrations: André Catoto Dias

Sardegna Zona di Guerra

28 July 2014

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

Storie di Arborea

11 August 2014 | .pdf

Words: Lorenzo Braina, Illustrations: Franciscu Pala

Cose Da Fare: Agenda Digitale

15 July 2013 | .pdf

Words: Marco Mura, Infographics: Adriana Perra

Isperiadas. Sardinia Street View

24 March 2014

Reportage: Dario Costeri

La Strategia Palestinese

19 January 2015

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

Between the Bars: Le Carceri in Sardegna

05 December 2014

Infographics: Andrea D’Ascanio

Social Learning, Le Forme Comunicative dell’Apprendimento

02 December 2014

Words: Mario Pireddu, Illustrations: Gianluca Marjani Marras

La Lezione del Museo Guggenheim di Bilbao

16 February 2015

Infographics: ELOE Newsroom

Ananti de sa Ziminera

24 February 2015

Words: Davide Corriga, Illustrations: Franciscu Pala

Festa Della Donna: c’è poco da festeggiare

08 March 2015

Infographics: Andrea Meloni

Curatorias, Overview of an Island

22 June 2015

Reportage: Roberto Sanna

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